In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, we were introduced to an exciting group of characters...who were all dead by the time the credits rolled. Ultimately, these heroes made the ultimate sacrifice to help the Rebel Alliance destroy the Death Star, but Disney+'s Andor promises to reveal more about one of them.
Diego Luna will reprise the role of Cassian Andor in a show that promises to explore the origins of the Rebellion and how this soldier factored into that. A second season has already been confirmed, so Lucasfilm clearly has a lot of story to tell, but when will we actually get to see the show?
While Disney+ has yet to make an official announcement, rumour has it Andor is set to hit the streaming service this August. That makes sense because we know The Mandalorian is being saved for its typical Winter premiere, and we're not actually expecting She-Hulk to arrive until the Fall (leaving room for this Star Wars series to shine in the final weeks of the summer).
Obi-Wan Kenobi is coming on May 25, and after The Book of Boba Fett wrapped up earlier this year, 2022 is shaping up to be an exciting year for fans of this Galaxy Far, Far Away.
Keep checking back here for updates on Andor!