For quite some time, there's been nothing but mystery surrounding directors Sam and Andy Zuchero's post-apocalyptic romance film, Love Me, which stars Steven Yeun And Kristen Stewart.
All that was known was that the film centered on a satellite and a buoy who find love, long after humanity has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Now, that the film has premiered at Sundance, we have a little more details on the movie's plot.
It seems the chief theme of the film, which Sam and Andy Zuchero also wrote, is self-identity.
The film starts with the buoy and satellite, who are the only two sentient creatures left on Earth- Yeun plays the satellite, named Iam, while Stewart portrays the buoy, named Me. The buoy was created to map Earth's oceans while the satellite was loaded with all of Earth's recorded history.
As Me and Iam stumble upon one another and begin to frequently cross paths as days go by, they adopt human-based avatars based on a popular social media couple that Me discovers inside of Iam's files.
Of the project, Stewart stated, "Steven and I took on very binary roles, which was very surprising with a movie about identity." However, she admitted that they did often fall back on social relationship norms. "I felt this desperate girl thing so often, and Steven was so pragmatic about everything. I was like, ‘Oh God, biology exists for sure."
Andy Zuchero stated that most of the actors they pitched the project to had difficulty understanding the concept but Stewart understood things right away. "But Kristen instantly was just like, ‘Oh cool, like, a post-human love story about transcending forms and loving yourself no matter what shape you are — count me in. Can I be the buoy?"
Love Me premiered at the Sundance Film Festival this past weekend and is currently looking for a North American distributor. At the festival, it took home the Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize, which is given to a feature film with a science or technology primary theme or that has a scientist, engineer, or mathematician as the main character.
Past winners of this award include The Pod Generation, Another Earth and The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.
Stay tuned for future updates on the film, as it likely won't take long for one of the major studios to secure distribution rights.
Love Me Official Synopsis: A post-apocalyptic romance in which a buoy and a satellite meet online and fall in love after the end of human civilization.